


about me!!

✧ hello!!!! im an independent hispanic artist who loves to draw colorful things!!!!
✧ my name is jet!! or u can call me ecto i dont mind which >_<
✧ i go by THEY/THEM and lots of other neopronouns!! <3
✧ im a minor!! dont be gross to me lol
✧ im a sexy nonbinary bitch!!!!!
✧ i like 2 draw.... a lot.
✧ i live off of hat kid and chiaki content
✧ i collect genders as a hobby bcs its funny lol

do not interact if...

✧ terf, lesbophobe, ableist, etc...
✧ pro-ship/anti-anti
✧ mcyttwt or dreamsmp
✧ anti hesbian/theysbian
✧ anti-mogai or anti-neopronouns
✧ transmed/truscum
✧ lolicon/shotacon weirdo
✧ actively hate on komahina
✧ support "all lives matter"
✧ think "fiction doesnt affect reality"


before you follow...

✧ i post yttd and danganronpa spoilers!!
✧ i swear a lot, keyboard smash, type in caps, and use a lot of exclamation points!
✧ i sometimes replace 's' with 'z' when typing some wordz because im a scenie
✧ PLEASE tell me if i follow someone bad... i might not know
✧ please try to use /s and /j around me!!
✧ please do not call me my deadnames!!!!! i am jet!!!
✧ im just kinda awkward so if i stop responding.... sorry :(


!! please tag these or use my catchall !!
[ jdl / jet dont look ]

✧ nsfw
✧ eating disorders
✧ throwing up
✧ togafuka / wlm toko
✧ oumeno / mlw kokichi
✧ mikan tripping scenes
✧ sayori h//ging jokes


✦ robogender ✦
✧ for ppl who feel a bit robotic and take comfort in it :] find social interaction difficult and like to learn about themselves!!

✦ hajimegender ✦
✧ a gender which correlates to hajime hinata, from danganronpa!

✦ chiakigender ✦
✧ a gender which correlates to chiaki nanami, from danganronpa!

✦ catnipgender ✦
✧ where ur basically catgender but also any sort of sillyfunny crazy wacky gender at the same time.. or just connect with both of the concepts in general!!

✦ beegender ✦
✧ mainly influenced by bees and honeybees! has ties to repitition and repeating noises and not being able to quite pinpoint your gender!!